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Carbon Remover

Refº Net 28


Spray specifically formulated to remove carbon buildup. Highly effective for cleaning EGR valves, intake systems, and for assisting in the removal of carbon deposits from injectors and spark plugs.


400 ml package

Where to buy:

Conserto de carros



The Carbon Remover Spray is the ideal product for removing carbon deposits from engine components. Suitable for use in all gasoline and diesel engines, it can be applied to clean EGR valves, remove carbon buildup around injectors, clean the turbo, extract spark plugs, and more. 

The dual valve allows you to choose between two application methods: using the straw for precise application in hard-to-reach areas, or using the spray for broader coverage.


- Quick application         - Effectively removes carbon deposits from components         - Improves engine performance

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I apply the product through the intake while the vehicle is running?

It cannot be used with the vehicle running. For better cleaning, we recommend applying the product with the parts disassembled.

2. Is it very effective at removing carbon around the injectors?

Yes, it is effective for that type of application. If necessary, you can contact an Aterazinet technician.

3. How does the product act on the coal?

Our Coal Remover Spray transforms coal into a liquid state. The product, once applied, evaporates over time, meaning that if you apply the product and try to remove the coal after a considerable amount of time has passed, you will not be able to do so. When the product evaporates completely, the coal returns to its solid/stone state. Therefore, we recommend monitoring the state of the coal to prevent it from solidifying.

Recommended application:

1- Apply the product to the surface of action and let it act for a few seconds;

2- Use a blower with a cloth to remove loose dirt;

3- If there is a lot of coal, repeat the procedure to remove all of it.


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